Interviu EXCLUSIV: Faydee – „Mi-ar placea sa joc intr-un film in viitorul apropiat”

Saptamana aceasta am stat de vorba cu binecunoscutul Faydee,care are foarte multi fani in Romania iar piesele sale au ajuns foarte sus in clasamentele de la noi. Din acest motiv vine foarte des in tara noastra pentru ca aici se simte foarte bine primit.Artistul australian a vorbit,printre altele,despre Romania si noul single pe care il promoveaza.Va invitam sa savurati interviul mult dorit.Enjoy!

Salut Faydee! Spune-ne ce ai mai facut in ultima vreme?
Faydee: Am avut foarte multe concerte, in mai multe tari. Curand, o sa revin in studio si sunt foarte emotionat, deoarece imi este foarte dor sa creez, sa scriu si sa compun.
EN:Hi Faydee! Tell us what you have been doing lately!
Faydee: Ive been touring a lot! Getting back into the studio soon to work on some new stuff so I’m excited because i miss the creative stage already!

Ai avut foarte multe colaborari cu artisti de succes din Europa. Planuiesti si alte colaborari de acest tip?
Faydee: Foarte posibil! Lucrez la niste colaborari cu artisti din S.U.A. si o sa vedem ce se intampla.
EN:You had a lot of successful collaborations with well-known European artists! Are you planning more collaborations?
Faydee: Quite possibly yes! I’m also working on some american collaborations, so well see what happens

Cine te motiveaza cel mai mult?
Faydee: Prietenul meu cel mai bun ma motiveaza foarte mult, apoi managerul si fanii mei! Fanii ma motiveaza sa continui sa le ofer muzica pe care ei o iubesc, sa ma trezesc dimineata si sa lucrez tot mai mult pentru a fi sigur ca fac tot ce imi sta in putere sa-i vizitez si sa le multumesc personal.
EN:Who is the person that motivates you the most?
Faydee: My best friend motivates me so much, my manager and my fans! My fans motivate me so much to keep giving them the music they love! To get up in the morning, and work even harder and to make sure i do everything in my power to visit them and thank them personally!

Ai in plan lansari noi pentru vara care vine sau te concentrezi pe promovarea celui mai recent single al tau?
Faydee: Lucrez la ceva si sper sa fie gata pentru lansare pana vine vara.
EN:Are you planning any releases for the summer or will you focus on promoting your latest single?
Faydee: I’m working on something that I’m hoping will be out by the time summer comes around!

Ne poti spune povestea din spatele “Move on (C’est la vie)”? Cum a luat ea nastere?
Faydee: Am scris “Move on (C’est la vie)” pentru toate persoanele care au intampinat probleme in a trece peste o despartire si inca sunt indragostite de cealalta persoana. Cand se intampla asta, nu iti doresti sa vezi persoana pe care inca o iubesti in bratele altcuiva.
EN:Can you tell us the story of “Move on (C’est la vie)”? How was the song born?
Faydee: I wrote “Move On (C’est La Vie)” for anyone who’s ever had a hard time trying to move on after a breakup and still loves that person and when you still care about a person you were with, you secretly never want to see them with someone else.

Cum au decurs filmarile videoclipului? Ceva moment amuzante?
Faydee: M-am distrat foarte mult, dar a si durat la fel de mult. Am lucrat din nou cu amica mea, modelul Nora Kubiliute, pe care o cunoasteti din videoclipul “Laugh till you cry” si ne-am amuzat enorm pe platoul de filmare. Ne tachinam mereu unul pe altul cu replici de genul “O sa facem asta iar?”, dar a fost minunat.
EN:How did the shooting of the video go? Any funny moments?
Faydee: So much fun! It was great working with my friend/model Nora again! We shot a video together back in 2012 with “Laugh Till You Cry” and we decided to get back together and do it all again with “Move On (C’est La Vie)”. We tease each other too much, because its hard for us to be serious! I mean we looked at each other when we were on the couch and said “Are we really doing this again?” It was awesome though!

Ce ti-ai dori sa faci in viata si nu ai reusit pana acum?
Faydee: Mi-ar placea sa joc intr-un film in viitorul apropiat.
EN:What do you want do in your life, that you haven’t done yet?
Faydee: I would love to act! Would love to do movies in the near future!

Planuiesti un turneu de promovare in Romania?
Faydee: Cu siguranta! O sa revin in primavara sau in vara.
EN:Are you planning a tour in Romanian this year?
Faydee: Yes definitely!I will be back in the spring/summer

Ce te atrage cel mai mult la Romania?
Faydee: Oamenii, fetele frumoase si fanii mei care sunt minunati! De asemenea, ador si mancarea romaneasca!
EN:What impresses you more about Romania?
Faydee: The people, the beautiful girls and my fans are so amazing to me! I love the food too!

In final, ai un mesaj pentru cititorii nostri?
Faydee: Va multumesc pentru iubirea si sustinerea voastra! Nu uitati sa intrati pe pentru a afla datele urmatoarelor mele concerte! Multumesc !
EN:In the end, do you have a message for our readers?
Faydee: Thanks for love you have shown me!It means a lot! Head to for all info on upcoming shows in Romania and new music! Multumesc Yabbmusic!

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Despre Massy
